Saturday, July 22, 2023

Major life update - family meeting turned out to be......


We just got back from Dr Saddiq's wedding. I knew our family dinner was tonight. We did not plan to have the ceremony of sarung cincin during the dinner. 

It was raining that night, and it was the first time our family gather together. Picturing them in a table together- crazy. I cant imagine this day has finally come. All the rendezvous we did while we were teenagers ended up us discussing and planning in the joining of two families. I felt nervous, happy, grateful, disbelief, overwhelmed!

I still remember that night was raining cold and my hands were shaking time mak dia nak sarungkan cincin. Like-this finally it!!! im off the marketttt hahahaha. Bro it was awkward too cos at the back of my mind was afraid that she wouldnt liked me but i quickly brushed it off. I have the sense that our family was not in a good terms or maybe it was the awkwarrdness, but im glad, they could accept niko. The man i have loved a decade of my life. 

Oh Allah swt, please sustained this happiness in my life. These are all i have ever dreamed of. Thank you for making it this year. Thank you for allowing us to be together. 

Now, the fun part! Planning the engagement!

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