October 6, 2018
D'Neujina Event Space Seksyen 24, Shah Alam
On that very day, i woke up with butterflies not because of anything but i am extremely nervous of how my makeup on sis will turn out to. Yes you read that right. I. did. my sis. face. on. her. engagement. day. The freaking face that is the centre and main attention to all 200 people in that hall. What if it's too dark? What if the eyeshadow doesnt stay throughout? AND THE COLOURS AND BLENDING uh that's the hardest. Ive never painted on anyone else and even on my face sometimes lashes dont turned out nice, eyebrows are not on fleek but i just dont have the heart to say no. Well, i did rejected her the first time she asked but come to think of it, this is the first time that my sis ever ask me for help. And ofcourse i wanna do something good on her big day. So, face it is.
6th morning-
8am: pickup hantaran cake.
Woke up around 7 despite the fact that we all sleep at 3am the previous night. Well, i guess it is what it is when you're the host throwing a party. Not complaining. So we showered fast and packing up most of the hantaran minus the tepak sirih coz ya girl just know how to ruin things. Went downstairs, mama and ayah have gone to pickup breakfast to serve for the people belakang ta'bir who reached there early. So i drove nervously and fast, racing with time just coz i want to make sure that at 9am, everything has settled down and we must start doing the face!!! 2 hours of makeup for the big day is not enough i tell ya.
Directly went to the event space at Seksyen 24, unload every hantaran and put em on the dulang brought by kak uji from batu pahat (borrowing is da bomb-saveyourpockets), calling ze bridesmaids asking where they were and im not surprised that at 8++, fatieha and nana was still asleep bhahaha i dont mind coz i know that fatieha had a long night having to submit her client's case or somethang. Then, naik turun nak letak her dress and mine on the room upstairs. Had to write this down that im only wearing mom's cardigan with my leggings running around sweating, uh.
9am- Makeup time
Akak hasn't eaten anything yet but what to do-- mama tak sampai lagi lmao. So at first we were just like ok ah jom ah try sikit coz at first rasa cam wah awalnya. Guests started coming. Bridesmaids are here, eika makeupkan every girls and everyone is busy with something and i love seeing them helping one another. So basically i did the eyes first just incase buruk so can padam without affecting the base hence:
Skincare- toner moisturiser and all
Did the eyeshadow first--- Nervous level 300%
Mascara and eyeliner---
Primer and foundation next--- had to multiple layers coz Estee Lauder fd is good but too thin
Skipped the concealer part coz apparently it was too beige for her huh putih betul
Loose powder lil bit and poof setting spray
All the way throughout the process, akak's friends came in to meet her and they all are so nice and petite and cute miut complimenting me also lmao
"Cantiknya adik auffa"....
"Tingginya adik auffa"....
"Pandainya makeup"....
"Putihnya adik auffa"....
Well, eheks.
On the other hands....When the cousins masuk wanna check out akak they all like watching by the sides for a good 10 mins and judging how i put foundation cakap letak banyak lagilah, pastu when im contouring, they say "tak payah letak banyak tau wa sbb kakak awak dah cengkung nnt nampak kurus sangat". And ask "wa takde yang alas tangan tu ke sbb nnt habis foundation bila wa makeup mata, selalu makeup artis akak tgk dia pakai tu" Hello i takde masa nak beli and takde duit, this is all my makeup for suka suka for myself and i just use it for akak and Uh excuse me pls i don't need anyone to tell me what to do unless it's akak or my friends that know what's happening and you out of the sudden broke into me???? Jumpa pon dua tahun sekali sebuk je lah. When they went down i literally cam sigh.....leganya.
When it's done,
I chanted shit shit shit for God knows how many times coz i only applied foundation and mascara with blush and eyebrows in TEN MINUTES I TELL YOU. Damn, that was the fastest ever and i even considered to not pakai foundation at that time coz tak sempat and akak still suruh pakai eyeshadow a little but no sis my tangan is shaking i cannot blend and think straight while phones are all ringing asking us to come down now ğŸ˜
Went down with the bridesmaid and hold the hantaran on the aisle with the bridesmaid (they left me the heaviest hantaran-fruits- tak guna betul) and haziq who pegang tepak sirih. Haziq terwalked fast and followed rombongan lelaki and had to reverse bhahaha so after putting down all the hantaran to the stage, I walked up back for akak to walked her in later. i pulak yang nervous lmao.
After the discussion from both sides, akak walked in up to the pelamin and her mother in law gave her fresh flowers and i went back to the tables with friends wee.
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Our side; For him |
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Hafiz's side; For her |
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:-))) |
This is the part where i feel so so so contented, I sumpah don't want the day to end..
- Passing around goodies to tables and making jokes and laughs with my bestfriends as the bridesmaids, catching up about life and make fun of each other. Sigh, what do i do without these kind-hearted soul?
Eika, Ecah, Nana, Fatieha yall are the bomb since 10 years ago ğŸ˜ğŸ’›ğŸ’›ğŸ’›ğŸ’£
- Salam and sembang with alll the relatives i havent seen for 2 years and more coz i dont get the chance to celebrate eid or even have a good holiday for years. Had the chance to sembang with Kak Intan and Mimin, playing with cousins and sembang with aunties. It feels awkward seeing all relatives from mama and ayah's side gathering together in one place, ive never seen it my whole life before, but it is such an eye opener for me, realising that being married pushes you to take care of both relationships with your husbands side also for. the. rest. of. your. life. and there's no turning back or any choices to run away. Kinda scary actually and knowing myself, i know i'm not set to hold up those responsibilities having to satisfy the opposite's sides. No matter what they do, or how they act in front of you, you just gotta gulped it all without complaining because what would your husband would say if you talk bad about his family? I just feel like no matter how you love somebody, everyone is their own defender when it comes to their family, dont @ me
- Around 1pm, i met my boyfriend outside the hall. Seeing him walked into the event so nervously with a happy and shy smile makes me wanna laugh rolling to the road. Deep down inside of me, i teared up a lil coz this is the first time i'm going to introduce him to mama and ayah face to face. There is nothing else in the world i would want other than him to be accepted by my parents but it takes time, i know, coz my parents are super protective when it comes to a guy.
But this one, he steals my heart with his red shirt and black jeans that we bought together,
with his hair set with gels and he wears the watch i gave him for his 23rd birthday along with his black nike leather sneakers that we bought together as well 💟
Invited him in along with his friend, bal to the last table behind and little did i know that my ayah is there talking to another uncle and we all walked fast away from that table and sat with eika and all 😂"Habislah kena interview"- my thoughts. He sat there and ate the food and desserts. His favorite was the daging masak kicap, i wanted to tapao it for them but later takut basi coz he's going to the airport, sending his kakak away to Mesir. Seeing him getting along with my bestfriends, cracking jokes and sharing stories makes me feel so so happy and i havent felt it in a long time. I am so grateful to be able to witness this and seeing the acceptance from my bestfriends side. Those moments are still vividly playing in my mind while im writing this. Ahh i wish i could turn back time and feel the same thing twice. I love my bestfriends and i love him so much too. Imagine how big my heart is now lmao.
We didn't talked that much partly coz i also shy after being observed by the whole cousins and aunties bawang walking passed our table but there's not a single thing i wanna change because our silence are comforting each other and i wanna give my bestfriends the chance to try and get to know this guy that i love whole-heartedly.
After catching up, he wanted to excuse himself and i bring him to mama then mama asked have we taken pictures together or not and we were in total silence coz unexpected gila it came from my mum lmao so we took pics with halal gaps and when we're otw to salam ayah, dad suddenly said ha dah habis makan? bolehla tolong angkatkan mana mana yang patut letak dalam bonet lmaooooo i laughed gila. So he pun tolong angkatkan all those glasses stuff and foodware in and out. Sighed, he looked so hot effortlessly im totally crazy in love even after 4 years of being together.....
Then he went back and i continued taking pictures with them bridesmaids and friends who came (epul and ikmal) up until the evening. It was so tiring but totally worth the money spent and effort to make this day happened. It's just not about the engagement party, it's totally beyond that. A day to keeping up with friends and family, to make new memories together and celebrating sis new life, one step closer to a whole new journey and sigh....things that happened after the engagement day also is so memorable, i wanna write a separate post just about it. That's how much it makes me happy 💛
So i went back....with two separate cars with my bestfriends to....
to be continued.
p/s: Downsides- i dont have much time to eat nicely and taste all those delicious cakes and desserts i can cry thinking of em everytime, and plus, i dont have my own ootd pics even. That's how hectic my day was running here and there, but it was fun!! No regrats. ok only a little.